I.  Cabin

(1) Canopy -- OPEN

(2) Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE

(3) Ignition Switch -- OFF

(4) Master Switch -- OFF

(5) Mixture -- IDLE CUTOFF


II. Left Wing Trailing Edge

(1) Flap -- Secure and undamaged

(2) Aileron -- Security and freedom of movement

(3) Tank Drain -- Fuel clear, drain secure


III. Left Wing

(1) Wing Tip and Light -- Undamaged

(2) Fuel Tank -- Assess fuel quantity, Cap Seal undamaged, Cap secure

(3) Fuel Tank Vent -- Unobstructed

(4) Wing Inspection Plates -- Secure

(5) Tie-down -- REMOVE

(6) Pitot Tube -- Unobstructed


IV. Left Wing Leading Edge

(1) Leading Edge -- Undamaged

(2) Landing Gear, Wheel Fairing, and Tire -- Undamaged, Tire properly inflated

(3) Wheel Chock(s) -- REMOVE


V. Left Cowl

(1) Windshield -- Clean, undamaged

(2) Fuel Pump Overflow Drain -- Unobstructed

(3) Fresh Air Vents -- Unobstructed

(4) Oil Breather Vent -- Unobstructed

(5) Cowling -- Latches secure


VI. Nose

(1) Propeller and Spinner -- Secure, undamaged

(2) Nose Cowling -- Secure, undamaged

(3) Landing Light -- Secure, undamaged

(4) Nose Gear and Fairing -- Undamaged, tire properly inflated, clear of debris

(5) Tow Bar -- REMOVE

(5) Wheel Chock(s) -- REMOVE

(6) Cowl Inlets -- Unobstructed

(7) Alternator Belt -- Proper tension and condition

(8) Carburetor Air Intake -- Unobstructed


VII. Right Cowl

(1) Windshield -- Clean, undamaged

(2) Engine Oil Level -- 4 Quarts minimum, capacity 8 quarts

(3) Vacuum Pump Vent -- Unobstructed

(4) Battery -- Secure

(5) Cowling and Oil Access Door -- Latches secure


VIII Right Wing Leading Edge

(1) Leading Edge -- Undamaged

(2) Landing Gear, Wheel Fairing, and Tire -- Undamaged, Tire properly iInflated

(3) Wheel Chock(s) -- REMOVE


IX Right Wing

(1) Wing Tip and Light -- Undamaged

(2) Fuel Tank -- Assess fuel quantity, Cap Seal undamaged, Cap secure

(3) Fuel Tank Vent -- Unobstructed

(4) Wing Inspection Plates -- Secure

(5) Tie-down -- REMOVE


X Right Wing Trailing Edge

(1) Aileron -- Security and freedom of movement

(2) Flap -- Secure and undamaged

(3) Tank Drain -- Fuel clear, Drain secure


XI Right Side of Fuselage

(1) Static Source -- Unobstructed

(2) Antennas -- Secure and undamaged

(3) Fuselage -- Undamaged


XII Empennage

(1) Elevators -- Security and freedom of movement

(2) Rudder -- Security and freedom of movement

(3) Trim Tab -- Secure

(4) Tail Cone and Light -- Secure and undamaged

(5) Tie-down -- REMOVE


XIII Left Side of Fuselage

(1) Static Source -- Unobstructed

(2) Fuselage -- Undamaged


XIV Night Flight Preflight

(1) Spare Fuses -- LOCATE

(2) Flashlight -- LOCATE

(3) Required Charts -- LOCATE



I Cabin

(1) Master Switch -- ON

(2) Instrument Lights -- CHECK-ON- OFF

(3) Navigation Lights -- ON

(4) Flashing Beacon -- ON

(5) Pitot Heat -- ON

(6) Landing Light -- ON


II Left Wing

(1) Navigation Light -- Illuminated

(2) Pitot Tube -- CHECK (for heat)



Do not touch pitot tube directly, or possible burn injury may result.


III Nose

(1) Landing Light -- Illuminated


IV Right Wing

(1) Stall Warning Vane -- LIFT-CHECK (for Stall Horn activation)

(2) Navigation Light -- Illuminated


V Empennage

(1) Navigation Light -- Illuminated

(2) Flashing Beacon -- Operating


VI Cabin

(1) Landing Light -- OFF

(2) Pitot Heat -- OFF

(3) Flashing Beacon -- OFF

(4) Navigation Lights -- OFF

(5) Master Switch -- OFF