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The following are links to additional web sites where information and services are available to the aviation community:

1-800-WXBRIEF    Flight service (Operated by Leido, formerly Lockheed Martin).  Telephone, and Internet functions for obtaining a weather and NOTAM briefing, and filing, activating, and closing flight plans.  This entity is the definitive source for this information and these services.

ASRS NASA  Aviation Safety Reporting System.  Web portal to anonymously and securely report safety related events and concerns.  The FAA currently has an immunity policy in place regarding the timely filing of these reports in the event of an inadvertent violation of the FAR's.  Every pilot should have this site bookmarked unless he/ she always flies with an attorney who specializes in aviation law.

FAA TFR MAP  This website provides a graphical representation of current and future Temporary Flight Restrictions, displayed in Map and text from.  CAUTION:  The feds advise that this site should not be used for flight planning purposes, as they do not guarantee that it is updated in real time.  Pilots relying solely on this resource could still face consequences in the event of an inadvertent violation of restricted airspace.  Pilots should always call flight service for the latest updates.

IACRA   Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application.  This is the web based portal for preparing and transmitting applications for airman certificates and ratings.  You will need to register for the first time and create a password.  Make sure pop ups are enabled on your computer and be patient.  

Med Express  This is the web based portal for preparing and transmitting information in support of obtaining an aviation Medical Certificate.  You will need to register for the first time and create a password.

NOAA Aviation Weather  Center  Web based source for up-to-date aviation weather in graphical and text form.  This site disclaims 100% real-time updates and users are admonished to check the date/ time stamps on published data.  This site is rich in information and can be safely used for flight planning if the aforementioned caution is observed.